HP-TGT-NM-Commission 2018 Part 11

Himachal Pradesh-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018 Paper | Part-11

Himachal Pradesh-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018 Solved Paper

Welcome to our exclusive collections of HP-TGT NM Commission old/previous fully solved question papers. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates and aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.
Himachal Pradesh-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018 conducted by HPSSC on 08-07-2018. Here we are sharing Himachal Pradesh-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018 fully solved Paper. These multiple choice questions(MCQs) are helpful in preparing various competitive exams like TET, CTET, LT, TGT, PGT, KVS, VS, NET, SLET and SET.

Exam name  :  Himachal Pradesh TGT NM Commission-2018
Conducted By :   HPSSC Hamirpur
Examination Date  :   08-07-2018
Total Question :   170
Maximum Marks :   85
Question Paper Series  :   SET-A
Post Code  :   632 (C-489)
Time  :  2 Hours

Himachal Pradesh-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018 Paper | Part-11

Himachal Pradesh-TGT-NM-Commission-2018
Question : 101-120

Question : 101

If |a| = 2, |b| = 5 and |a X b| = 8 then what is the value of a . b

[A].   4
[B].   6
[C].   8
[D].   10

Asked in: HP-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018

Question : 102

The distance of the plane 2x – 3y + 6z + 14 = 0 from the origin is

[A].   -2
[B].   3
[C].   2
[D].   11

Asked in: HP-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018

Question : 103

If P(A) = ½, P(B) = 0, then P(A/B) is

[A].   0
[B].   1
[C].   1/2
[D].   Not defined

Asked in: HP-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018

Question : 104

The probability that A speak truth is 4/5 , While the probability for B is ¾. The probability that they contradict each other when asked to speak on a fact is

[A].   3/20
[B].   1/5
[C].   7/20
[D].   4/5

Asked in: HP-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018

Question : 105

The number of arbitrary constants in the general solution of the differential equation of third order is

[A].   0
[B].   1
[C].   2
[D].   3

Asked in: HP-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018

Question : 106

Which of the following informal systems is most effective for socialization ?

[A].   Church
[B].   Public Library
[C].   Playground
[D].   Family

Asked in: HP-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018

Question : 107

The process of education of women in the India was initiated by

[A].   Lord Dalhousie
[B].   Robert Clive
[C].   Raja Rammohan Roy
[D].   Iswarchandra Vidyasagar

Asked in: HP-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018

Question : 108

Which of the following domains do the emotions belong to ?

[A].   Cognitive
[B].   Affective
[C].   Motivational
[D].   All of above

Asked in: HP-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018

Question : 109

The three dimentional theory of inteligence is given by

[A].   Sternberg
[B].   Gardner
[C].   Goleman
[D].   Guilford

Asked in: HP-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018

Question : 110

The most basic category in Maslow's Hierarchy of Human needs' is

[A].   Belongingness needs
[B].   Love needs
[C].   Physiological needs
[D].   Social needs

Asked in: HP-TGT-Non-Medical-Commission-2018

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