HP-TET Non Medical-2017 Question 21-30

Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017 Paper | Part-3

Solved Paper

Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017 fully Solved Paper. These multiple choice questions(MCQs) are helpful in preparing various competitive exams like TET, CTET, LT, TGT, PGT, KVS, VS, NET, SLET and SET.

Exam name  :  Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (HPTET-Non-Medical-2017)
Conducted By :   Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE)
Examination Date :  09.09.2017
Total Marks :   150
Total Question :   150
Psychology and Pedagogy :   30 Question
General Awareness and EVS :  30 Question
Physics  :  30 Question
Chemistry  :   30 Question
Mathematics  :   30 Question
Official Website Address  :  www.hpbose.org

Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017 Paper | Part-3

Question : 21-30

Question : 21

Which of the following is the most essential component of experimentation ?

[A].   Observation of Behaviour
[B].   Study of Behaviour
[C].   Matching of subjects
[D].   Controlled Conditions

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017

Question : 22

Who said, ‘Infancy is the ideal period of learning’ ?

[A].   Rousseau
[B].   Stang
[C].   Stanley Hall
[D].   Valentine

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017

Question : 23

A child’s academin achievement is less than 70.The child is……………. :

[A].   Backward Child
[B].   Gifted Child
[C].   Juvenile Delinquent
[D].   None of these

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017

Question : 24

Which among the following needs are higher order needs ?

[A].   Safety Needs
[B].   Belongingness and love needs
[C].   Self-Esteem needs
[D].   Physiological Needs

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017

Question : 25

‘Identical Elements Theory’ of transfer of learning was given by…………………

[A].   B.F. Skinner
[B].   Thorndike
[C].   Pavlov
[D].   None of these

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017

Question : 26

Koh’s block design test is……………

[A].   Individual Verbal Test
[B].   Individual performance test
[C].   Group Verbal test
[D].   Group Non-Verbal test

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017

Question : 27

Latent learning refers to………………..

[A].   Learning which remains dormant for sometime
[B].   Immediate learning
[C].   Situation specific Learning
[D].   None of these

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017

Question : 28

What is the mean and standard deviation of 1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively ?

[A].   3, 1.5
[B].   2.5, 3
[C].   3, 1.42
[D].   3, 1.49

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017

Question : 29

Anything that elicits a response without prior learning is a …………………..

[A].   Conditional Stimulus
[B].   Positive reinforcer
[C].   Unconditional Stimulus
[D].   Negative reinforcer

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017

Question : 30

Motiva is a ………………….

[A].   General Trait
[B].   Specific Trait
[C].   A desire
[D].   Particular condition of individual

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh TET-Non-Medical-2017

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