HP-JBT-TET-2013 Solved Paper Ques : 21-30

Himachal Pradesh TET-D.El.ED / JBT-2013 Paper | Part-3

Himachal Pradesh-TET-D.El.Ed / JBT-2013
Solved Paper

Himachal Pradesh-TET-D.El.Ed / JBT-2013 fully Solved Paper. These multiple choice questions(MCQs) are helpful in preparing various competitive exams like TET, CTET, LT, TGT, PGT, KVS, VS, NET, SLET and SET.

Exam name  :  Himachal Pradesh TET-D.El.Ed / JBT-2013
Conducted By :   Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE)
Examination Date :  September-2013
Total Marks :   150
Total Question :   150
General Awareness and EVS :  30 Question
Child Psychology and Pedagogy :  :  30 Question
English Literature :  :  30 Question
Hindi :  :  30 Question
Mathematics :  :  30 Question
Official Website Address :  :  30 Question

Himachal Pradesh TET-D.El.ED / JBT-2013 Paper | Part-3

Himachal Pradesh TET-D.El.ED / JBT-2013
Question : 21-30

Question : 21

Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory suggests that a child’s most important discoveries guided by :

[A].   Other Children
[B].   Adults acting as tutors
[C].   Neither other children nor adults acting as tutors
[D].   Both other children an adults acting as tutors

Asked in:HP-TET-D.El.Ed/JBT-2013

Question : 22

Constructivism as deserption of human cognition is often associated with educational approaches that promote

[A].   Active Learning I.e Learning by doing
[B].   Observe Behaviour change
[C].   Internal mented processes
[D].   Conditioning

Asked in:HP-TET-D.El.Ed/JBT-2013

Question : 23

When arun’s disruptive classroom behaviour stop because the teacher and other students no longer pay attention to the behaviour is called

[A].   Stimulus Discrimination
[B].   Extinction
[C].   Stimulus Generallisation
[D].   Punishment

Asked in:HP-TET-D.El.Ed/JBT-2013

Question : 24

Who propounded the theory of trial and error ?

[A].   Ross
[B].   Adam
[C].   Thorndike's Law Effect
[D].   Woodworth

Asked in:HP-TET-D.El.Ed/JBT-2013

Question : 25

ALM stands for

[A].   Active learning material
[B].   Active learning methodology
[C].   Active Learning Measurement
[D].   None of these

Asked in:HP-TET-D.El.Ed/JBT-2013

Question : 26

What is formula for calculating the IQ level of students ?

[A].   {MA/CA} x 100
[B].   {CA- MA/CA} x 100
[C].   {MA-CA/MA} x 100
[D].   {CA/MA} x 100

Asked in:HP-TET-D.El.Ed/JBT-2013

Question : 27

Who is the Behaviourist Psychologist among the following?

[A].   John Watson
[B].   William James
[C].   Sigmund Freud
[D].   John Dewey

Asked in:HP-TET-D.El.Ed/JBT-2013

Question : 28

Out of these which gland is known as master gland?

[A].   Pituitary gland
[B].   Thyroid Gland
[C].   Gonads
[D].   Asernal Gland

Asked in:HP-TET-D.El.Ed/JBT-2013

Question : 29

Out of the following who said that, intelligence is not a single entity, rather distinct types of intelligence exists ?

[A].   J.P. Guilferd
[B].   Howard Gardner
[C].   Charles Spearman
[D].   J.P. Dass

Asked in:HP-TET-D.El.Ed/JBT-2013

Question : 30

NCF was implemented in the year

[A].   2009
[B].   2005
[C].   1992
[D].   1986

Asked in:HP-TET-D.El.Ed/JBT-2013

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