HP-TET-ARTS-2016 Solved Paper Ques 11-20

Himachal Pradesh TET ARTS-2016 solved Paper | Part-2

Himachal Pradesh TET ARTS-2016 solved Paper
By All Exam Master

Welcome to our exclusive collections of HPTET ARTS old fully solved question papers. Here we are sharing Himachal Pradesh TET ARTS 2016 fully Solved Paper. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates or aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.These multiple choice questions(MCQs) are helpful in preparing various competitive exams like TET, CTET, LT, TGT, PGT, KVS, VS, NET, SLET and SET.

Exam name  :  Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (HPTET-ARTS-2016)
Conducted By :   Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE)
Examination Date :  September-2016
Total Marks :   150
Total Question :   150
Psychology and Pedagogy :   30 Question
General Awareness and EVS :  30 Question
English Literature  :  30 Question
Social Studies  :   60 Question
Official Website Address  :  www.hpbose.org

Himachal Pradesh TET ARTS-2016 solved Paper | Part-2

Question : 11-20

Question : 11

Out of the following which stimulate fear emotions?

[A].   Pain
[B].   Sudden Natural Stimulus
[C].   Dark Place
[D].   Sudden fall of things

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh-TET-ARTS-2016

Question : 12

Which is the basic foundation of Social Development of Boys and Girls?

[A].   School
[B].   Parents
[C].   Community
[D].   Mode of public communication

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh-TET-ARTS-2016

Question : 13

The term 'Homeostasis was coined by....

[A].   Erickson
[B].   Cannon
[C].   Thorndike
[D].   Freud

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh-TET-ARTS-2016

Question : 14

Learning of mathematical tables by children is an example of

[A].   Paired-Associate Learning
[B].   Concept Learning
[C].   Classical conditioning
[D].   Serial Learning

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh-TET-ARTS-2016

Question : 15

Who is known as father of behaviourism?

[A].   J.B.Watson
[B].   E.R.Guthrie
[C].   Donald Hebb
[D].   Kurt Lewin

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh-TET-ARTS-2016

Question : 16

The removal or withdrawal of a negative reinforce

[A].   decreases the occurrence of particular behaviour
[B].   increases the occurrence of particular behavior
[C].   brings no change in behavior
[D].   None of these

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh-TET-ARTS-2016

Question : 17

The picture of a horse is

[A].   An iconic stimulus
[B].   Concrete stimulus
[C].   Signal stimulus
[D].   Symbolic stimulus

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh-TET-ARTS-2016

Question : 18

If a teacher provides reinforcement after every two correct responses of a child, then it is called as

[A].   Fixed Interval Schedule
[B].   Fixed Ratio Schedule
[C].   Variable Ratio Schedule
[D].   None of these

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh-TET-ARTS-2016

Question : 19

Incidental learning means

[A].   Learning through incidents
[B].   Unintentional Learning
[C].   Learning outside the classroom
[D].   Planned Learning

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh-TET-ARTS-2016

Question : 20

“I spent my childhood days in Shimla” ; remembering this is

[A].   Long Term Memory
[B].   Procedural Memory
[C].   Episodic Memory
[D].   Semantic Memory

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh-TET-ARTS-2016

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