HP-TGT-COMMISSION-Medical-2009 QUES: 81-100

Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission-2009 Solved Paper Part-5

Himachal Pradesh-TGT-Medical-Commission-2009 Solved Paper

Welcome to our exclusive collections of HP-TGT Medical Commission old/previous fully solved question papers. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates and aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.
Himachal Pradesh-TGT-Medical-Commission-2009 conducted by HPSSC on 03.10.2009. Here we are sharing Himachal Pradesh-TGT-Medical-Commission-2009 fully solved Paper. These multiple choice questions(MCQs) are helpful in preparing various competitive exams like TET, CTET, LT, TGT, PGT, KVS, VS, NET, SLET and SET.

Exam name  :  Himachal Pradesh TGT NM Commission-2009
Conducted By :   HPSSC Hamirpur
Examination Date  :  03.10.2009
Total Question :   200
Maximum Marks :   200
Time  :  2 Hours

Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission-2009 Solved Paper Part-5

Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009
Question : 81-100

Question : 81

Question : In Anthoceros, the sporogenous tissue is derived from

Answer : Amphithecium

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 82

Question : Among Club moss,Reinder moss, Irish moss and Bogg moss or peat moss which one is a true moss ?

Answer : Bogg Moss or Peat Moss

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 83

Question : Traneculae in Selaginella are modified

Answer : Endodermal cells

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 84

Question : A fern in which the in which the entire sporangium develops from a single superficial cell of the sporophyte is known as

Answer : Leptosporangiate

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 85

Question : Which structures are haploid in gymnosperms ?

Answer : Megaspore, endosperm and pollen-Grains

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 86

Question : In cycas the first formed cambial ring is short lived and a fresh cambial ring is firmed every year in pericycle or cortex, the would formed by this method is

Answer : Polyxylic

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 87

Question : Placement of Gymnosperms between Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons is one of the drawbacks in the system of classification of

Answer : Bentham and Hooker

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 88

Question : Which plant is called ‘resurrectionin plant’?

Answer : Selaginella

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 89

Question : Floral characters are more widely used than vegetative characters in taxonomy of angiosperms, because

Answer : Reproductive parts are more stable and conservative than vegetative parts

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 90

Question : Pneumatophores are characteristics of family

Answer : Rhizophoracease

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 91

Question : Early blight of patato is caused by

Answer : Alternaria solani

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 92

Question : Which term is used there is abnormal increase in the size of an organ due to increase in size of cells ?

Answer : Hypertrophy

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 93

Question : In which year, the infamous Great patato Irish Famine occurred ?

Answer : 1845

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 94

Question : Heterothallism was discovered by

Answer : A.F.Blakeslee

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 95

Question : In which group of fungi the phenomenon of clamp formation is observed ?

Answer : Basidiomycetes

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 96

Question : Amphiphloic siphonostele is found in the rhizome of

Answer : Marsilea

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 97

Question : Pollination by snails is called

Answer : Malacophily

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 98

Question : Gestation period refers to duration

Answer : Between fertilization and Parturition

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 99

Question : The science that deals with effects of low temperature on biological systems is known as

Answer : Cryobiology

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

Question : 100

Question : The chief function of contractile vacuole in Amoeba is

Answer : Osmoregulation

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2009

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