HP-TGT-COMMISSION-Medical-2016 QUES: 121-140

Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission-2016 Solved Paper Part-7

Himachal Pradesh-TGT-Medical-Commission-2016 Solved Paper

Welcome to our exclusive collections of HP-TGT Medical Commission old/previous fully solved question papers. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates and aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.
Himachal Pradesh-TGT-Medical-Commission-2016 conducted by HPSSC on 17.07.2016. Here we are sharing Himachal Pradesh-TGT-Medical-Commission-2016 fully solved Paper. These multiple choice questions(MCQs) are helpful in preparing various competitive exams like TET, CTET, LT, TGT, PGT, KVS, VS, NET, SLET and SET.

Exam name  :  Himachal Pradesh TGT NM Commission-2016
Conducted By :   HPSSC Hamirpur
Examination Date  :  17.07.2016
Total Question :   200
Maximum Marks :   200
Time  :  2 Hours

Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission-2016 Solved Paper Part-7

Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016
Question : 121-140

Question : 121

Question : Red ants have

Answer : Formic Acid

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 122

Question : Leech belongs to phylum…………………..

Answer : Annelida

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 123

Question : Among lungs, liver,kidney,Adrenal gland which one is not an excretory organ ?

Answer : Adrenal gland

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 124

Question : Embryonic membranes present in repties are

Answer : Amnion, chorion, yolk sac and allantois

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 125

Question : Absorption of digested food in cockroach takes place in…………..

Answer : Mesenteron

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 126

Question : Haemophilia is more common in males because it is a

Answer : Recessive trait carried by X-chromosome

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 127

Question : Pupa can be seen in the life cycle of

Answer : Housefly

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 128

Question : The defect in the gene responsible to the transport of chloride ions across the cell membrane causes

Answer : Cancer

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 129

Question : Kidneys of birds are composed of

Answer : Two lobes

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 130

Question : Physalia the portugese man of war belongs to

Answer : Class Hydrozoa

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 131

Question : Peripatus is a connecting link between

Answer : Annelida and Arthropoda

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 132

Question : Dragon files and damsel flies belongs to

Answer : Order odonata

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 133

Question : Pisces and Amphibia are togather called

Answer : Ichthyopsida or Anamniota

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 134

Question : Theory of Recapitulation or Biogenetic law was proposed by

Answer : Haeckel

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 135

Question : An electron designated by quantum number n=4, 1=2,m=0 occupies.

Answer : 4d-orbital

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 136

Question : The value of screening constant for an electron in Is-orbital screening another Is-electron is

Answer : 0.3

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 137

Question : The ionization energy of hydrogen is 1312.0 kj/mol. Express the value in eV/atom

Answer : 13.60 eV/atom

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 138

Question : The hybridization that can be used to account for the linear geometry of XeF2 molecule is

Answer : Sp3 d

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 139

Question : The arrangement of CI Ions in CsCL structure is

Answer : Simple cubic

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

Question : 140

Question : The boiling point of water is less than that of

Answer : HF

Asked in: Himachal Pradesh T.G.T. Medical Commission Exam. 2016

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