HP-Allied Services 2012 Part-5

HP-Allied Services 2012 FULLY SOLVED PAPERSQ: 81-100

HP-Allied Services 2012 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS

Welcome to our exclusive collections of HP-Allied Services old/Previous Year Fully solved question papers. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates and aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.

Exam name : Himachal Pradesh-Subordinate Allied Services-2010
Total Questions : 200
Total Marks : 200
Time Allotted  :3 Hours

HP-Allied Services 2012 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS
Question : 81-100

Question : 81

Question : In which language was the Shirmad Bhagavad Gita originally written ?

Answer : Sanskrit
Question : 82

Question : Name the ruler of the Kushana Dynasty:

Answer : Kadphises-1
Question : 83

Question : The word Buddha means:

Answer : An enlightened one
Question : 84

Question : Buddha’s preaching were mainly related to:

Answer : Purity of thought and conduct
Question : 85

Question : The title “Vikramaditya” was assumed by:

Answer : Chandragupta-II
Question : 86

Question : The famous Chinese pilgrim Fa-hien visited India during the reign of:

Answer : Chandragupta-II
Question : 87

Question : The remains of the Vijayanagar Empire can be found in:

Answer : Hampi
Question : 88

Question : Whose work is Bijak ?

Answer : Kabir
Question : 89

Question : Ramanuja preached:

Answer : Bhakti
Question : 90

Question : Firoz Shah founded many cities. Which amongst Jaunpur, Fatehpur Sikri, Hissar and Fatehabad was not built by him? –

Answer : Fatehpur Sikri
Question : 91

Question : The “Bhakti” Movement of the 16th century had, as one of its leaders:

Answer : Guru Nanak
Question : 92

Question : Mughal culture greatly influenced Indian:

Answer : Painting
Question : 93

Question : Amir Khusro was a Poet, Courtier and Historian in the Court of:

Answer : Allaudin Khilji (1296-1316 A.D.)
Question : 94

Question : Raja Rammohan Roy was connected with:

Answer : English Education
Question : 95

Question : The partition of Bengal was intended to:

Answer : Create a wedge between Hindus and Muslims
Question : 96

Question : Rajtarangini written by Kalhan is:

Answer : A History of Kashmir
Question : 97

Question : In 1923, Swaraj Party gained absolute majority in:

Answer : Legislative Assembly
Question : 98

Question : The Rowlatt Act passed in the year:

Answer : 1919
Question : 99

Question : Who wrote the play “Andheri Nagri Chaupat Raja”?-

Answer : Bhartendu Harish Chandra
Question : 100

Question : Who was the Congress President when India became fee ?

Answer : J.B. Kriplani


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