HP-Allied Services 2016 | Part-7

HP-Allied Services 2016 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS|| Q: 61-70

HP-Allied Services 2016 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh-Subordinate Allied Services old/previous fully solved question papers. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates and aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.

Exam name : Himachal Pradesh-Subordinate Allied Services
Total Question: 200
Total Marks : :200
Time Allotted  :3 Hours
Conducted By: Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC)

HP-Allied Services 2016 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS
Question : 61-70

Question : 61

According to Paris Agreement on climate change, the countries of the world have resolved to limit the rise in global average surface temperature by the year 2050 ( with reference to pre-industrial times) upto a maximum of :

[A].  2.5 C
[B].   2 C
[C].   1.5 C
[D].   1C

Question : 62

Indian government has set a target of reducing its carbon emission intensity by the year 2030 ( with respect to 2005) to the extent of :

[A].  15-25 %
[B].   25-30%
[C].   33-35%
[D].   40-50%

Question : 63

At present, the concentration of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere by volume is about:

[A].  0.0004
[B].   0.0003
[C].   0.0009
[D].   0.011

Question : 64

Total forest cover as percent(%) of its geographical area is maximum for which state of India?

[A].  Madhya Pradesh
[B].   Kerala
[C].   Uttarakhand
[D].   Mizoram 

Question : 65

Green Climate Fund (GCF) is expected to have contributions from UN member states totaling:

[A].  $ 10 bn per year
[B].   $ 20 bn per year
[C].   $ 50 bn per year
[D].   $ 100 bn per year

Question : 66

By the year 2030, the share of renewable energy in the total installed capacity of electrical power in the country, sought to be achieved by Government of India, is:

[A].  0.4
[B].   0.5
[C].   0.6
[D].   0.35

Question : 67

International Solar Alliance was launched by Prime Minister of India along with:

[A].  Barack Obama
[B].   David Cameron
[C].   Angela Merkel
[D].   Francois Hollande

Question : 68

In recent times ‘Yellow rain’ has been reported to have been observed in some parts of which state?

[A].  Kerala
[B].   Uttar Pradesh
[C].   Chhattisgarh
[D].   Goa

Question : 69

The year 2016 has been declared by UN as:

[A].  International year of soils
[B].   International year of pulses
[C].   International year of solar energy
[D].   International year of nano-science

Question : 70

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARhas entered into collaboration with which country for the programme ‘Soil Protection and Rehabilitation for Food Security’?

[A].  Germany
[B].   Israel
[C].   USA
[D].   Canada


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