HP-Allied Services 2020 | Part-16

HP-Allied Services 2020 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS|| Q: 151-160

HP-Allied Services 2020 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh-Subordinate Allied Services old/previous fully solved question papers. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates & aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.

Exam name : Himachal Pradesh-Subordinate Allied Services
Total Question: 200
Total Marks : :200
Time Allotted  :3 Hours
Conducted By: Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC)

HP-Allied Services 2020 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS
Question : 151-160

Question : 151

Who amongst the following from Kullu was the member of an all-women Navy crew named ‘Tarini for circumnavigating the globe?

[A].  lieutenant Payal Gupta
[B].   Lt. Commander Swati P.
[C].   Lt. S. Vijya Devi
[D].   Lt. Commander Pratibha Jamwal

Question : 152

Who is author of the book The Himalayan District of Kooloo, Lahaul and Spiti?

[A].  J.C. French
[B].   Herman Goetz
[C].   A.F. P. Harcourt
[D].   J. Buck

Question : 153

Match the following lists and the correct answer from given codes be selected
list – 1     list-2
1st voter of Indian Democracy – (Jaiwant Ram
1st lieutenant Governor of H.P. – (K. L. Mehta
1st Speaker of H.P. Legislative Assembly – (Shyam Saran
1st Chief Secretary of H.P – (Himmat Singh

[A].  DCAB
[B].   CDBA
[C].   CDAB
[D].   DCAB

Question : 154

Who was the architect of ‘Gorton Castle’ at Shimla?

[A].  Henry Irwin
[B].   S. Jacob
[C].   S. Harington.
[D].   H. Wilson

Question : 155

To meet the sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, what aim has been set up by the Dept. of Forests, to enhance the forest cover in the state:

[A].  50% of its geographical area
[B].   35% of its geographical area
[C].   30% of its geographical area
[D].   40% of its geographical area

Question : 156

What is the approximate contribution of the tourism sector to the State GDP?

[A].  5.5 Percent
[B].   6.6 Percent
[C].   4.4 percent
[D].   8.6 percent

Question : 157

Which is the pass at an elevation of 4890 meters where roads from Zanskar, Ladakh, Spiti and Lahaul meet?

[A].  Baralacha Pass
[B].   Darati Pass
[C].   Rohtang Pass
[D].   Charang Pass

Question : 158

Who according to famous philologist Greirsson were the earlier known Indo-Aryans of the Himalayan tract?

[A].  Kinners
[B].   Khasas
[C].   Kirats
[D].   Dasas

Question : 159

Who built the Bhutnath temple and founded the present Mandi town in 16 century?

[A].  Raja Abar Sen
[B].   Raja Suraj Sen
[C].   Raja Ishwari Sen
[D].   Raja Bhawani Sen

Question : 160

Which of the following paintings has got a Geographical Indicator (GI) that has given them a unique identity in the world market?

[A].  Kangra Paintings
[B].   Basholi Paintings
[C].   Arki Paintings
[D].   Chamba Paintings


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