HP-Allied Services 2020 | Part-7

HP-Allied Services 2020 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS|| Q: 61-70

HP-Allied Services 2020 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh-Subordinate Allied Services old/previous fully solved question papers. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates & aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.

Exam name : Himachal Pradesh-Subordinate Allied Services
Total Question: 200
Total Marks : :200
Time Allotted  :3 Hours
Conducted By: Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC)

HP-Allied Services 2020 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS
Question : 61-70

Question : 61

The gap between two neurons is called:

[A].  dendrite
[B].   synapse
[C].   axon
[D].   impulse

Question : 62

Louis Pasteur was associated with:

[A].  The theory of special creation
[B].   The theory of spontaneous generation
[C].   The theory of biogenesis
[D].   None of these

Question : 63

When the world Biodiversity Day is observed?

[A].  March,22
[B].   May,22
[C].   June,23
[D].   April,16

Question : 64

Ultra-violet radiation from sun light causes the reaction that produce which of the following?

[A].  CO
[B].   SO2
[C].   O3
[D].   Fluorides

Question : 65

Food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc because:

[A].  zinc is costlier that tin
[B].   zinc has a higher melting point that tin
[C].   zinc is more reactive than tin
[D].   zinc is less reactive that tin

Question : 66

A solution turns red litmus blue, its pH is likely to be:

[A].  1
[B].   4
[C].   5
[D].   10

Question : 67

Which of the following has the highest velocity-

[A].  Cosmic rays
[B].   light
[C].   Electron
[D].   (Spuersonic wave

Question : 68

Eisntein was awarded Nobel Prize for which one of his theories

[A].  Theory of relativity
[B].   Photoelectric effect
[C].   Theory of specific heat
[D].   Theory of Brownain motion

Question : 69

 Sun is getting energy from which of the following?

[A].  Nuclear fission
[B].   Chemical reaction
[C].   Nuclear Fussion
[D].   Photoelectric effect

Question : 70

The Xylem in plants are responsible for:

[A].  Transport of water
[B].   Transport of food
[C].   transport of amino acids
[D].   transport of oxygen


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