English Abbreviations MCQs-SET-34

Abbreviations MCQs for CTET, Bank, MBA, CAT, MAT, GMAT, SSC | SET-34

Abbreviations and Acronyms Solved MCQs

Abbreviations and Acronyms :- An abbreviation is basically a shortened version of a word and sometimes end with a period. For example accomm. is an abbreviation of accommodation. These days abbreviations have become a way of talking. In the digital world, people prefer to use abbreviations rather than their full forms.These abbreviations have made communication faster and easier, epically when you communicating on your smartphones. Written and verbal communication often includes these abbreviations.

Abbreviations MCQs for CTET, Bank, MBA, CAT, MAT, GMAT, SSC | SET-34

Question : 1-10

Question : 1

PDA stands for ?

[A].   Personal Digital Assistant
[B].   Personal Development Agency
[C].   Personal Data Authority
[D].   Personal Data Array

Question : 2

The abbreviation ‘OPCW’ stands for ?

[A].   Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons
[B].   Ordinance for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
[C].   Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
[D].   Overseas Programme for the Cooperation on War

Question : 3

FIMMDA stands for ?

[A].   Foreign Investment Markets & Derivatives Market Association
[B].   Fixed Income Money Markets & Derivatives Association
[C].   Fixed Income & Money Market Development Association
[D].   Floating Income & Money Markets Derivative Assets

Question : 4

OTEC stands for ?

[A].   Ocean Thermal Energy Conservation
[B].   Oil and Thermal Energy Conservation
[C].   Oil and Thermal Energy Convention
[D].   Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

Question : 5

LAN stands for ?

[A].   Local Area Nodes
[B].   Large Area Network
[C].   Large Area Nodes
[D].   Local Area Network

Question : 6

NABARD stands for ?

[A].   National Bank for Agriculture and Resource Development
[B].   National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
[C].   National Bank for Asian Research Development
[D].   National Bank for Agri Related Development

Question : 7

The abbreviation LHC stands for which machine ?

[A].   Long Heavy Collider
[B].   Large Hadron Collider
[C].   Light Heat Collider
[D].   Large High Collider

Question : 8

ISRO is the abbreviation for ?

[A].   Indian Scientific Research Organization
[B].   India Space Research Organization
[C].   International Space Research Organization
[D].   International Scientific Research Organization

Question : 9

SWIFT stands for ?

[A].   Society for worldwide International Financial Telecommunications
[B].   Society for the worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
[C].   Society for worldwide International Financial Transfers
[D].   Society for worldwide Interbrain Fiscal Transactions

Question : 10

Full form of BCG is ?

[A].   Bacillus Cholera Germ
[B].   Bacillus Calmette Guerin
[C].   Bacillus Curative Gene
[D].   Bacillus Cholera Guerin

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