English Abbreviations MCQs-SET-36

Abbreviations MCQs for CTET, Bank, MBA, CAT, MAT, GMAT, SSC | SET-36

Abbreviations and Acronyms Solved MCQs

Abbreviations and Acronyms :- An abbreviation is basically a shortened version of a word and sometimes end with a period. For example accomm. is an abbreviation of accommodation. These days abbreviations have become a way of talking. In the digital world, people prefer to use abbreviations rather than their full forms.These abbreviations have made communication faster and easier, epically when you communicating on your smartphones. Written and verbal communication often includes these abbreviations.

Abbreviations MCQs for CTET, Bank, MBA, CAT, MAT, GMAT, SSC | SET-36

Question : 1-10

Question : 1

RAM stands for __________.

[A].   Random Access Memory
[B].   Ready Application Module
[C].   Read Access Memory
[D].   Remote Access Machine

Question : 2

What is the full form of "BRIC"?

[A].   Bangladesh, Romania, Indonesia and Cambodia
[B].   Botswana, Rwanda, Ivory Coast and Croatia
[C].   Bangladesh, Romania, India and Cambodia
[D].   Brazil, Russia, India and China

Question : 3

What is the full form of "EXIM Bank"?

[A].   External Investment Mode
[B].   Export Import Bank of India
[C].   Exclusive Monthly Installment
[D].   Extra Premium Insurance Made

Question : 4

BIT stands for

[A].   Megabyte
[B].   Binary language
[C].   Binary Information Unit
[D].   Binary Digit

Question : 5

What is the full form of "CBS"?

[A].   Central Banking Sector
[B].   Credit Basis on Service
[C].   Coversion of Banking solicitate
[D].   Consolidated Banking Statistics

Question : 6

What is the full form of KB related to computer?

[A].   Key Block
[B].   Kernel Boot
[C].   Kilo Byte
[D].   Kit Bit

Question : 7

What is the full form of "IBA"?

[A].   Indian Bank Association
[B].   Insurance Administrative Board
[C].   International Bank for America
[D].   Individual Business Administration

Question : 8

ASCII stands for

[A].   American Special Computer for Information Interaction
[B].   American Standard Computer for Information Interchange
[C].   American Special Code for Information Interchange
[D].   American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Question : 9

What is the full form of "IIBI"?

[A].   Indian Insurance Board of India
[B].   Industrial Investment Board of India
[C].   Industrial Investment Bank of India
[D].   Insurance and Investment Board of India

Question : 10

ALGOL means –

[A].   Advance logarithmic language
[B].   Algorithmic language
[C].   Algorithmic output language
[D].   Algorithmic operation language

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