HP-TET-ARTS-June-2021 Paper | Part-3

Himachal Pradesh TET-ARTS June-2021 Paper | Part-3

HP-TET-ARTS- June-2021
Solved Paper

Himachal Pradesh TET-ARTS- June-2021 fully Solved Paper. These multiple choice questions(MCQs) are helpful in preparing various competitive exams like TET, CTET, LT, TGT, PGT, KVS, VS, NET, SLET and SET.

Exam name  :  Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (HPTET-ARTS-June-2021)
Conducted By :   Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE)
Examination Date :  11.07.2021
Total Marks :   150
Total Question :   150
Psychology and Pedagogy :   30 Question
General Awareness and EVS :  30 Question
English Literature  :  30 Question
Social Studies  :   60 Question
Official Website Address  :  www.hpbose.org

Himachal Pradesh TET-ARTS June-2021 Paper | Part-3

Question : 21-30

Question : 21

Which of the following is a part of Psycho-social domain ?

[A].   Memory
[B].   Judgement
[C].   Mptor Skills
[D].   Style of behaving

Asked in:HP-TET-ARTS-June-2021

Question : 22

Educational Psychology studies behaviour of learner in relation to his/her :

[A].   Educational environment
[B].   Home environment
[C].   Peer gathering
[D].   In isolation

Asked in:HP-TET-ARTS-June-2021

Question : 23

One who is mainly responsible for evolution of structuralism is :

[A].   Edward Bradford
[B].   J.B. Watson
[C].   Wilhelm Wundt
[D].   None of these’

Asked in:HP-TET-ARTS-June-2021

Question : 24

Most scientific and objective method of studying behaviour is :

[A].   Observational Method
[B].   Introspection method
[C].   Experimental method
[D].   Differential method

Asked in:HP-TET-ARTS-June-2021

Question : 25

According to piaget, main goal of education should be :

[A].   To help students how to learn
[B].   To change students behaviour.
[C].   To adjust the student with his environment
[D].   To bring change in student’s attitude.

Asked in:HP-TET-ARTS-June-2021

Question : 26

Sudden appearance of response after a period of exitinction is known as :

[A].   Stimulus generalization
[B].   Extinction
[C].   Stimulus discrimination
[D].   Spontaneous Recovery.

Asked in:HP-TET-ARTS-June-2021

Question : 27

Most Prominant member of Gestalt psychology :

[A].   Kurt Koffka
[B].   Max Wertheimer
[C].   Wolfgang Kohler
[D].   all of these

Asked in:HP-TET-ARTS-June-2021

Question : 28

He is considered as a founder ptogressive education and father of research in education :

[A].   E.L. Thorndike
[B].   L.M. Terman
[C].   Joseph Mayer Rice
[D].   None of these’

Asked in:HP-TET-ARTS-June-2021

Question : 29

For expressing ideas and asking questions, catagories and concepts for thinking is :

[A].   Language
[B].   Logical reasoning
[C].   Private speech
[D].   None of these’

Asked in:HP-TET-ARTS-June-2021

Question : 30

In any of the learning Gestalt laid greater emphasis on role of :

[A].   Reward and Punishment
[B].   Past experience
[C].   Positive Behaviour
[D].   Motivation and Define goals and purpose

Asked in:HP-TET-ARTS-June-2021

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