HP-TET-NM-June-2021 Part-2

Himachal Pradesh TET Non-Medical June-2021 Paper | Part-2

HP-TET Non Medical June-2021
Solved Paper

Himachal Pradesh TET Non-Medical June-2021 fully Solved Paper. These multiple choice questions(MCQs) are helpful in preparing various competitive exams like TET, CTET, LT, TGT, PGT, KVS, VS, NET, SLET and SET.

Exam name  :  Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (HPTET-Non-Medical-June-2021)
Conducted By :   Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE)
Examination Date :  10.07.2021
Total Marks :   150
Total Question :   150
Psychology and Pedagogy :   30 Question
General Awareness and EVS :  30 Question
Physics  :  30 Question
Chemistry  :   30 Question
Mathematics  :   30 Question
Official Website Address  :  www.hpbose.org

Himachal Pradesh TET Non-Medical June-2021 Paper | Part-2

Question : 11-20

Question : 11

In Classical conditioning natural and unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus is known as the :

[A].   Unconditioned stimulus
[B].   Unconditioned Response
[C].   Conditioned stimulus
[D].   Conditioned Response

Asked in:HP-TET-NM-June-2021

Question : 12

Edward Lee Thorndike gave :

[A].   Law of learning
[B].   Law of teaching
[C].   Law of observing
[D].   Law of exercise

Asked in:HP-TET-NM-June-2021

Question : 13

Who is the father of Genetic epistemology?

[A].   Piaget
[B].   Bruner
[C].   Vygotsky
[D].   Dewey

Asked in:HP-TET-NM-June-2021

Question : 14

Pedagogy is the study of :

[A].   Education
[B].   Guiding Students
[C].   Learning Process
[D].   Teaching methods

Asked in:HP-TET-NM-June-2021

Question : 15

As people grow older, the …….. of learning declines.

[A].   Power
[B].   Speed
[C].   Quality
[D].   Quantity

Asked in:HP-TET-NM-June-2021

Question : 16

Which from the following should be used to increase correct responses and appropriate behaviour?

[A].   Ignorance
[B].   Strictness
[C].   Reward
[D].   Praise

Asked in:HP-TET-NM-June-2021

Question : 17

Which of the following should be used to decrease minor inappropriate behaviour?

[A].   Praise
[B].   Reward
[C].   Strictness
[D].   Ignorance

Asked in:HP-TET-NM-June-2021

Question : 18

The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering problem solving and decosion making is called :

[A].   Pedagogy
[B].   Education
[C].   Epistemology
[D].   Congnitive development

Asked in:HP-TET-NM-June-2021

Question : 19

Who was the pioneer of Classical conditioning?

[A].   Skinner
[B].   Pavlov
[C].   Watson
[D].   Thorndike

Asked in:HP-TET-NM-June-2021

Question : 20

“Learning is developmental process” is stated by :

[A].   Woodworth
[B].   Crow and Crow
[C].   Murphy
[D].   McDougall

Asked in:HP-TET-NM-June-2021

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