HP-TET-JBT-Nov-2021 solved paper Part-2

Himachal Pradesh TET JBT Nov-2021 Paper | Part-2

HP-TET Medical June-2021
Solved Paper

Himachal Pradesh TET JBT Nov-2021 fully Solved Paper. These multiple choice questions(MCQs) are helpful in preparing various competitive exams like TET, CTET, LT, TGT, PGT, KVS, VS, NET, SLET and SET.

Himachal Pradesh TET JBT Nov-2021 Paper | Part-2

Exam name  :  Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (HPTET-JBT-NOV-2021)
Conducted By :   Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE)
Examination Date :  21.11.2021
Total Marks :   150
Total Question :   150
Psychology and Pedagogy :   30 Question
English  30 Question
Hindi  30 Question
Mathematics  30 Question
EVS(SCI.), GK and EVS(SST)  30 Question
Official Website Address  :  www.hpbose.org

Question : 11-20

Question : 11

Which of the following factors affect learning ?

[A].   Interest of student.
[B].   Emotional health of the student.
[C].   Social and cultural context of the student.
[D].   All of the above

Asked in:HP-TET-JBT-NOV-2021

Question : 12

Aman always think of multiple solutions to a problem, many of which are original solutions. Aman is displaying characteristics of an/a ……..

[A].   Creative thinker
[B].   Convergent thinking
[C].   Rigid Thinker
[D].   Egocentric thinker

Asked in:HP-TET-JBT-NOV-2021

Question : 13

Which of the following is an example of secondary socializing agency ?

[A].   Family and neighbourhood
[B].   Family and media
[C].   School and Media
[D].   Media and Neighbourhood

Asked in:HP-TET-JBT-NOV-2021

Question : 14

According to…………… is important to understand the social processes and influence of the cultural context on children’s thinking.

[A].   Lawerence kohlberg
[B].   Jean Piaget
[C].   Lev Vygotsky
[D].   Albert Bandura

Asked in:HP-TET-JBT-NOV-2021

Question : 15

Sequence of development among children from birth to adolescence is :

[A].   Abstract, sensory, concrete
[B].   Sensory, Concrete, Abstract
[C].   Concrete, Abstract, Sensory
[D].   Abstract, Concrete, Sensory

Asked in:HP-TET-JBT-NOV-2021

Question : 16

Children should …………. questions in the class.

[A].   be discouraged to ask.
[B].   not be allowed to ask.
[C].   Be stopped from asking.
[D].   be encouraged to ask.

Asked in:HP-TET-JBT-NOV-2021

Question : 17

The process by which children develop habits, skills, values and motives that make them responsible productive members of society is called :

[A].   Socialisation
[B].   Inclusion
[C].   Mainstreaming
[D].   Differentiation

Asked in:HP-TET-JBT-NOV-2021

Question : 18

As per HOWARD GARDNER’S theory of multiple intelligence, What would be the characteristics of a person with “Logical-Mathematical intelligence”?

[A].   Sensitivity to the sounds, rythms and meaning of words
[B].   Ability to perceive visual spatial word accurately.
[C].   Ability to produce and appreciate pitch, rhythm and aesthetic quality of musical expressiveness.
[D].   Sensitivity to and capacity to detect patterns, handle long chains of reasoning.

Asked in:HP-TET-JBT-NOV-2021

Question : 19

Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test measure :-

[A].   Personality
[B].   Reading efficiency
[C].   Intelligence
[D].   Aptitude.

Asked in:HP-TET-JBT-NOV-2021

Question : 20

The “Two Factor Theory” of intelligence was given by :-

[A].   Thurston
[B].   Spearman
[C].   Binet
[D].   Piget

Asked in:HP-TET-JBT-NOV-2021

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