HP-Naib Tehsildar Paper-2016(Eng) Part-7

Himachal Pradesh-Naib Tehsildar-2016 (Eng) Solved Paper || Q: 61-70
Himachal Pradesh-Naib Tehsildar-2016 (Eng) Solved Paper

Himachal Pradesh-Naib Tehsildar-2016 (Eng) Solved Paper

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh-Naib Tehsildar Exam old/previous fully solved question papers. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates and aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.
हिमाचल प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग (HPPSC) द्वारा हिमाचल प्रदेश नायब तहसीलदार प्रारंभिक परीक्षा (Himanchal Pradesh Naib Tehsildar-HPNT-2016) की परीक्षा परीक्षा वर्ष 2016 में आयोजित की गयी। इस परीक्षा का पूर्ण प्रश्नपत्र हिंदी भाषा में उत्तर कुंजी (Question Paper withAnswer key) सहित यहाँ दिया गया है।

Exam name : Himachal Pradesh-Naib Tehsildar Exam-2017
Examination date  :20.08.2017
Total Question: 120
Total Marks : :120
Time Allotted  :2 Hours
Conducted By: Himachal Pradesh Public Commission(HPPSC)

Himachal Pradesh-Naib Tehsildar-2016 (Eng) Solved Paper
Question : 61-70

Question : 61

Among the following, the highest literacy rate is found in :

[A].  sikkim
[B].   manipur
[C].   uttarakhand
[D].   meghalaya

Question : 62

The hesdquarters of western coalfield ltd. is located at :

[A].  mumbai
[B].   nagpur
[C].   vadodara
[D].   alwar

Question : 63

Pancheshwar multipurpose project treaty has been signed between :

[A].  india-bangladesh
[B].   india-bhutan
[C].   india-myanmar
[D].   india-nepal

Question : 64

Plateau of india divided as MALNAD and MAIDAN plateau is :

[A].  mysore plateau
[B].   telangana plateau
[C].   chota nagpur plateau
[D].   malwa plateau

Question : 65

Influent drainage, bangar soil, doabs are the features of :

[A].  indo-sutlej plain
[B].   ganga plain
[C].   brahmaputra plain
[D].   mahanadi plain

Question : 66

TODA are tribal community found in the state of :

[A].  gujarat
[B].   kerala
[C].   andaman and nicobar
[D].   odisha

Question : 67

India became a signatory to the ramsar convention in 1982. Ramsar convention is related to :

[A].  wetland conservation
[B].   lakes conservation
[C].   river conservation
[D].   all of the above

Question : 68

Among the following which river basin having the largest catchment area ?

[A].  mahanadi
[B].   krishna
[C].   narmada
[D].   kaveri

Question : 69

Which one of the following stations receives minimum average annual rainfall ?

[A].  bhopal
[B].   hyderabad
[C].   lucknow
[D].   raipur

Question : 70

Among the following, the eastern-most location city is :

[A].  lucknow
[B].   jabalpur
[C].   hyderabad
[D].   bangalore


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