HP-Clerk Exam-2018 Paper part-12

HP-Clerk-2018 Post Code 692 Solved Paper || Q: 111-120

HP-Clerk-2018 Post Code 692 Solved Paper

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh Clerk Exam old/previous fully solved question papers. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates & aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.

Exam name : Himachal Pradesh Clerk Exam 2018

Examination Date04.11.2018
Series : SET-B
Post Code : 692
Total Question: 170
Total Marks :85
Time Allotted  :2 Hours
Conducted By: Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)

HP-Clerk-2018 Post Code 692 Solved Paper
Question : 111-120

Question : 111

सर्वथा भिन्न शव्द  है

[A].  चुपचाप
[B].   सुनसान
[C].   एकाकी
[D].   अकेला

Question : 112

हाल ‘हला ‘ का उपसर्ग है

[A].  खुशहाल
[B].   हरमाली
[C].   हलाहल
[D].   हलवाई

Question : 113

‘आवाहन का विप्रीतार्धक है

[A].  आवा
[B].   विसर्जन
[C].   आहवान
[D].   आहाभन

Question : 114

What number is nearest to 457 which is divisible by 11?

[A].  462
[B].   460
[C].   451
[D].   450

Question : 115

The simplest form of 69/92 is

[A].  44257
[B].   44289
[C].   45627
[D].   None of these

Question : 116

116. 25 / 0.0005=?

[A].  50
[B].   500
[C].   5000
[D].   None of these

Question : 117

A is 2 years older than B who is twice as old as C. If the total of the ages of A, B, C, be 27 years, then how old is B?

[A].  7 years
[B].   8 years
[C].   9 years
[D].   10 years

Question : 118

80% of 50 % of 250%  of 34 =?

[A].  38
[B].   40
[C].   42.5
[D].   None of these

Question : 119

Ram and Shyam together can finish a job a job in 8 in days. Ram can do the same job on his own in 12 days. How long will Shyam take to do the job by himself?

[A].  16 days
[B].   20 days
[C].   24 days
[D].   30 days

Question : 120

An athlete runs 200 meters race in 24 seconds. His speed is

[A].  20km/h
[B].   24 km/h
[C].   5 km/h
[D].   30 km/h


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