HP-Clerk-2018 Post code-627 Eng. part-13

HP-Clerk-2018 Post Code 627 Solved Paper || Q: 121-130

HP-Clerk-2018 Post Code 627 Solved Paper

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh Clerk Exam old/previous fully solved question papers. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates & aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.

Exam name : Himachal Pradesh Clerk Exam 2018

Examination Date: 30.09.2018
Series: SET-B
Post Code: 627
Total Question: 170
Total Marks : 85
Time Allotted  :2 Hours
Conducted By: Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)

HP-Clerk-2018 Post Code 627 Solved Paper
Question : 131-130

Question : 121

‘आकंठ ‘ में समास है

[A].  तत्पुरुष
[B].   बहुब्रीहि
[C].   अब्ययीभाब
[D].   द्वन्द

Question : 122

शुद्ध शव्द है

[A].  एकयता
[B].   ऐक्यता
[C].   ऐंकता
[D].   एकता

Question : 123

शुद्ध बाक्य है

[A].  उसको देखे ही
[B].   उसको भी देखे हो
[C].   उसे देखा है
[D].   इनमे से कोई नहीं

Question : 124

बर्षा की अधिकता ‘ के  लिए  एक शब्द है

[A].  अल्पवृष्टि
[B].   अतिवृष्टि
[C].   लघुवृष्टि
[D].   बहुवृष्टि

Question : 125

choose the correctly spelt word out of given alternative A, B, C and D.

[A].  Etiquate
[B].   Etiquette
[C].   Ettiquete
[D].   ettiquette

Question : 126

choose the correctly spelt word out of given alternative A, B, C and D.

[A].  Harasment
[B].   harrasment
[C].   harrassment
[D].   harassment

Question : 127

choose the correctly spelt word out of given alternative A, B, C and D.

[A].  immediately
[B].   immedeately
[C].   immedetly
[D].   immideately

Question : 128

choose the correctly spelt word out of given alternative A, B, C and D.

[A].  recipent
[B].   resipient
[C].   recipient
[D].   recepient

Question : 129

choose the correctly spelt word out of given alternative A, B, C and D.

[A].  sujjestion
[B].   sugestion
[C].   suggestion
[D].   suggeson

Question : 130

Choose the word out of the four alternatives A,B,C and D which best express the meaning of the given word.

[A].  Hurt
[B].   vaste
[C].   denote
[D].   scanty


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