HPU B. Ed. Entrance Exam 2019 Paper Part-15

Himachal Pradesh (HPU) B.Ed. Entrance-2019 Solved Paper | Part-15

Himachal Pradesh (HPU) B.Ed. Entrance-2019
Solved Paper

Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) B.Ed Entrance Exam -2019 Solved Paper fully Solved Paper. These multiple choice questions(MCQs) are helpful in preparing various competitive exams like TET, CTET, LT, TGT, PGT, KVS, VS, NET, SLET and SET.

Exam name  :  HPU B.Ed. Entrance-Exam-2019
Conducted By :   Himachal Pradesh University (HPU)
Examination Year :  2018
Total Marks :   150
Total Question :   150
General Awareness and EVS :  40 Question
Language and Comprehension (Hindi and English)  :  40 Question
Logical Reasoning:  :  30 Question
Knowledge of Commission/Committees on Education:  :  20 Question
Teaching Aptitude and Attitude:  :  20 Question

Himachal Pradesh (HPU) B.Ed. Entrance-2019 Solved Paper | Part-15

Himachal Pradesh (HPU) B.Ed. Entrance-2019
Question : 141-150

Question : 141

Verbal guidance is least effective in teaching?

[A].   Skills
[B].   Attitude
[C].   Relationship
[D].   Concepts and Facts

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh University(HPU)
B.Ed Entrance Exam-2019

Question : 142

A serious minded teacher as a rule

[A].   Never allows mistakes on the part of his students.
[B].   Should madly punish students who commit mistakes.
[C].   Take all the precautions on that students never commit mistakes.
[D].   Allow the mistakes to be committed and explain how to minimise those mistakes.

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh University(HPU)
B.Ed Entrance Exam-2019

Question : 143

One of your student is too poor to buy a Book. How will you help him?

[A].   You will purchase the book.
[B].   You will provide the book from the library.
[C].   You will collect a fund from others for this purpose.
[D].   You will request the institute administration to make a policy for helping Such students.

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh University(HPU)
B.Ed Entrance Exam-2019

Question : 144

A teacher had to establish his credibility to evaluating answer sheet . He must be :

[A].   Hard
[B].   Lenient
[C].   Prompt
[D].   Objective

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh University(HPU)
B.Ed Entrance Exam-2019

Question : 145

Mainstreaming is a term associated with

[A].   Career education
[B].   Environmental Education
[C].   Inter age class groupings
[D].   Education fot handicapped

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh University(HPU)
B.Ed Entrance Exam-2019

Question : 146

Quality of education in a school/college can be measured through

[A].   Students achievements
[B].   Infrastructural facilities available
[C].   Manpower teachers and Principal available
[D].   All the above.

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh University(HPU)
B.Ed Entrance Exam-2019

Question : 147

A Mentally retarded student attends your lecture and sits in a deaf and dumb manner. What will you do ?

[A].   You do not support him at all
[B].   You pressurised the student to leave the class.
[C].   You do not like to spoil majority for the individual.
[D].   Make your lecture very simple and spare some extra time for him.

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh University(HPU)
B.Ed Entrance Exam-2019

Question : 148

Which of the following is not a quality of teacher ?

[A].   He may not know child psychology.
[B].   He should have feeling of love and sympathy
[C].   His language should be understandable to students.
[D].   Teacher should be keen in his work and should be enthusiastic and anxious to keep his knowledge fresh and update.

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh University(HPU)
B.Ed Entrance Exam-2019

Question : 149

You bringing your pupil for a monument visit outside your city. A father is reluctant to send his child for this. What will you do ?

[A].   Try to convience him for sending his child by explaining the importance of such as educational and cultural trip.
[B].   Try to understand his father’s problems
[C].   Leave that child and go with others.
[D].   None of these.

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh University(HPU)
B.Ed Entrance Exam-2019

Question : 150

If a student is absent from the classes for a long time :

[A].   You would try to solve his problems or help him.
[B].   You would try to know the cause of his absence
[C].   Both [A]. AND [B]
[D].   None of these.

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh University(HPU)
B.Ed Entrance Exam-2019

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