EVS MCQs asked in HPTET-SET-2

Environmental studies(पर्यावरण अध्ययन) MCQs from old HP-TET Exams | SET-2

EVS MCQs asked in HP-TET
पर्यावरण अध्ययन बहुविकल्पीय प्रशन

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Environmental studies(पर्यावरण अध्ययन) multiple choice questions (MCQ) asked in previous HP-TET Exams. These multiple choice questions(MCQs) on Environmental Studies are helpful in preparing various competitive exams like TET, CTET, LT, TGT, PGT, KVS, VS, NET, SLET and SET.

Environmental studies(पर्यावरण अध्ययन) MCQs from old HP-TET Exams | SET-2

Question : 1-10

Question : 11

DNA किसने खोजा

[A].   जे वाटसेन
[B].   एफ क्रीक
[C].   आर फ्रेंकलिन
[D].   जे वाटसेन और एफ क्रीक

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh ARTS-TET-2012

Question : 12

रतौंधी रोग किस विटामिन की कमी से होता है ?

[A].   विटामिन-A
[B].   विटामिन-B6
[C].   विटामिन-C
[D].   इनमें से कोई नही

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh ARTS-TET-2014

Question : 13

क्षेत्रफल की दृष्टि से हिमाचल प्रदेश में सबसे बड़ा जिला कौन सा है ?

[A].   काँगड़ा
[B].   मण्डी
[C].   शिमला
[D].   लाहौल और स्पीति

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh LT-TET-June-2019

Question : 14

What is the main ceremony during the minjar fair

[A].   Burning of Minjars
[B].   Wearing of Minjars
[C].   Burying of minjars
[D].   Immerson of minjars

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh ARTS-TET-2017

Question : 15

मानव शरीर में अस्थियों की कुल संख्या कितनी है?

[A].   206
[B].   205
[C].   208
[D].   204

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh JBT-TET-2015

Question : 16

When Himachal Pradesh was granted full statehood in 1971,it become ?

[A].   14th state of India
[B].   20th state of India
[C].   18th state of India
[D].   17th state of India

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh ARTS-TET-2017

Question : 17

शरीर के सबसे कठोर भाग का नाम क्या है?

[A].   हड्डी
[B].   नाखून
[C].   यकृत
[D].   दाँत का इनेमल

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh JBT-TET-2015

Question : 18

The oldest hydel project in himachalpradesh is

[A].   Baner in Kangra
[B].   Shanan inJogindernagar
[C].   Bhakra in Bilaspur
[D].   Therot in spiti

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh ARTS-TET-2017

Question : 19

Who is the writer of thebook Bilspur past present and future ?

[A].   S.S Gandhi
[B].   J. HUtchinson
[C].   M.S.Gill
[D].   Anand Chand

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh ARTS-TET-2017

Question : 20

With how many districts Himachal Pradesh was formed as chief commissioner's province in 1948 ?

[A].   3
[B].   4
[C].   5
[D].   6

Asked in:Himachal Pradesh ARTS-TET-2017

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