HP-JAO-IT-2017 Part-4

HP-Junior Office Assistant IT 2017 FULLY SOLVED PAPERSQ: 61-80

HP-Junior Office Assistant IT 2017 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS

HP-Junior Office Assistant IT 2017 FULLY SOLVED PAPERS
Question : 61-80

Question : 61

Question : Choose the alternative which correctly fits into the blank :-
……………..not hear from him for three months.

Answer : Did
Question : 62

Question : Choose the alternative which correctly fits into the blank :-
When he……………..for home, the sun still…………….

Answer : Left, was shining
Question : 63

Question : Choose the correct use of the word/idiom/proverb:- Give up

Answer : He gave up the hope of his recovery
Question : 64

Question : Choose the correct use of the word/idiom/proverb:- Call in

Answer : Call in the doctor at once
Question : 65

Question : Choose the correct use of the word/idiom/proverb:- Run down

Answer : He is run down on account of hard work
Question : 66

Question : Choose the correct use of the word/idiom/proverb:- Humility

Answer : Great men are known for their humility
Question : 67

Question : Choose the correct use of the word/idiom/proverb:- Prosperity

Answer : The business brought prosperity to him
Question : 68

Question : Choose the correct use of the word/idiom/proverb:- Put-on

Answer : Please put on this insult
Question : 69

Question : Which country’s Parliament became First in the world to run fully on solar energy ?

Answer : Pakistan
Question : 70

Question : Who is the newly elected President of Myanmar?

Answer : Htin Kyaw
Question : 71

Question : Who among the following is the newly elected FIFA president ?

Answer : Gianni Infantio
Question : 72

Question : A dreaded virus recently outbreak in most of the Latin American Country. The name of that virus is :-

Answer : Influenza virus
Question : 73

Question : The “Turn the World UN Blue” global campaign campaign was the part of

Answer : United Nation’s 70th anniversary
Question : 74

Question : Alphabet is a parent company of

Answer : Yahoo
Question : 75

Question : World water day is celebrated every year on

Answer : March 22
Question : 76

Question : The 8th BRICS Summit will be held in –

Answer : India
Question : 77

Question : A deadly virus suddenly appear in South Korea, the name of that virus is –

Answer : MERS
Question : 78

Question : Who among the following was the first man to go into space ?

Answer : Yuri Gagarin
Question : 79

Question : Which of the following is Known as the city of Seven Hills ?

Answer : Rome
Question : 80

Question : When is the American Day of Independence celebrated ?

Answer : 4th jully


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