HP-JOA-IT Solved Paper-2017 Part-7

Himachal Pradesh-Junior Office Assistant (JOA-IT)-2017 HPPSC-Shimla|| Q: 61-70

Himachal Pradesh-Junior Office Assistant (JOA-IT)-2017 HPPSC-Shimla

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh-Junior Office Assistant (JOA) old/previous fully solved question papers. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates & aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.

Exam name : Himachal Pradesh-Junior Office Assistant (JOA-IT)
Total Question: 100
Series :D
Examination Date: 19.02.2017
Time Allotted  :2 Hours
Conducted By: Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC-Shimla)

Himachal Pradesh-Junior Office Assistant (JOA-IT)-2017 HPPSC-Shimla
Question : 61-70

Question : 61

Which of the following is not an arithmetic operator in ‘C’?

[A].  ‘+’
[B].   ‘-‘
[C].   ‘%’
[D].   ‘#’

Question : 62

Any statement in ‘C’ language that starts with the character # is called a……..

[A].  Pre-processor statement
[B].   Post-processor statement
[C].   Control statement
[D].   None of these

Question : 63

The full form of RAM is ………..

[A].  Random Application Memory
[B].   Random Access Memory
[C].   Rare Application Memory
[D].   Random Access Management

Question : 64

The speed of operations of cache memory used in computers is slower than that of ………..

[A].  RAM
[B].   ROM
[C].   HDD
[D].   Registers in CPU

Question : 65

While entering a formula in a cell in MS Excel, the entry must begin with ………..operator.

[A].  (
[B].   %
[C].   #
[D].   =

Question : 66

A compiler is………….

[A].  A combination of computer hardware
[B].   A software utility that translates a program written in machine language into high level language
[C].   A software utility that translates a program written in high level language into machine language
[D].   A combination of computer hardware and software

Question : 67

A byte consists of ……….

[A].  1 bit
[B].   4 bits
[C].   8 bits
[D].   16 bits

Question : 68

.The term Giga Byte refers to…………..

[A].  1024 bits
[B].   1024 bytes
[C].   1024 kilo bytes
[D].   1024 mega bytes

Question : 69

The full form of BCD is ………….

[A].  Bit Coded Decimal
[B].   Binary Coded Decimal
[C].   Bit Coded Digit
[D].   Binary Coded Digit

Question : 70

Instructions and memory addresses in the RAM of a computer are stored using…………..

[A].  Binary digits
[B].   Decimal Digits
[C].   Octal Digits
[D].   Parity Bits


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