HP-JOA(IT)-2016 Solved Paper Part-4

Himachal Pradesh-Junior Office Assistant (JOA-IT)-2016|| Q: 31-40

Himachal Pradesh-Junior Office Assistant (JOA-IT)-2016

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh-Junior Office Assistant (JOA) old/previous fully solved question papers. All questions are of multiple choice type.These questions are very helpful for those candidates & aspirants who are preparing for the various government and non government exam as well as in interview.

Exam name : Himachal Pradesh-Junior Office Assistant (JOA-IT)
Total Question: 200
Total Marks : :200
Time Allotted  :2 Hours
Conducted By: Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)

Himachal Pradesh-Junior Office Assistant (JOA-IT)-2016
Question : 31-40

Question : 31

Select the odd one out:

[A].  Scanner
[B].   Printer
[C].   Keyboard
[D].   Mouse

Question : 32

Which of these is not an output device of the computer?

[A].  Monitor
[B].   Plotter
[C].   Speaker
[D].   Joystick

Question : 33

Which of these is not an Open Source Operating System?

[A].  Ubuntu
[B].   Vista
[C].   Red Hat
[D].   BOSS

Question : 34

Hyper-threading is related to:

[A].  Hard Disk
[B].   Operating System
[C].   Processor
[D].   Application Programs

Question : 35

If you get an internet at a speed of 2 Mbps at your home, then what does this speed refer to?

[A].  2 Mega bytes per second
[B].   2 Mega bits per segment
[C].   2 Mega bytes per second
[D].   2 Mega bits per segment

Question : 36

Who invented the ‘C’ language?

[A].  Niklaus Wirth
[B].   Donald Knuth
[C].   Seymour Papert
[D].   Dennis Ritchie

Question : 37

In the Relational Database Model, a Tuple refers to a:

[A].  Record
[B].   Database
[C].   Field
[D].   Attribute

Question : 38

The terms SCSI and IDE are related to which of the following?

[A].  RAM
[B].   ROM
[C].   Hard Disk
[D].   CPU Fan

Question : 39

What does DVD stand for?

[A].  Digital Video Disk
[B].   Digital Video Drive
[C].   Data Video Drive
[D].   Digital Versatile Disk

Question : 40

In SQL, which command is used to remove a table from the database?

[C].   DROP
[D].   ERASE


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