
Physics MCQs for all Competitive Exams SET-13

Environmental Studies (EVS) Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ)
पर्यावरण अध्ययन बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न

The subject, Environmental Studies include basic understanding of a on environmental issues like Plants, Water, Food, Shelter, State specific Bird, Travel, Trees, Animals etc. The Environmental Studies (EVS) subject also includes questions on social issues that are part of our environemnt like:- Family and Friends, Relationships, Work and Play etc. Question related to pedagogical issues related to environmental studies (EVS) e.g. scope and Concept of EVS, integrated EVS, Significance of Environmental Studies (EVS), Scope relation to Science Social Science, Learning Principles of Environmental Studies (EVS, Approaches of presenting concepts etc.

These EVS MCQ Practice sets plays important role in scoring high rank in various competitive exams. For better understading of the Environmental Studies (EVS) subject, here we are providing sufficient Mutiple Choice type questions (MCQ)related to Environmental Studies or Environmental Science(EVS) previously asked in various competitive exams. Answers of these MCQs is also given and the answer can be viewed instantly by just clicking on answer button. Practicing these MCQ Sets more and more will make you confident and you will score more in exam.

Physics MCQs for all Competitive Exams SET-13
पर्यावरण अध्ययन बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न

Question : 1-10

Question: 1

Which of the senses do the snakes depend on most to detect a prey or danger?

[A].   Smell
[B].   Sight
[C].   Touch
[D].   Taste

Question: 2

Owls build their nests:

[A].   In the hollow of trees
[B].   In hedges and bushes
[C].   On the branches of tall trees
[D].   In the dark, wet places I kitchens

Question: 3

First aid is:

[A].   A treatment procedure followed by doctors
[B].   An aid when an enemy country attacks us
[C].   An aid for the handicapped
[D].   A treatment for the people in the time between an accident & medical care by doctors

Question: 4

Birds build nests:

[A].   To lay eggs
[B].   To protect their young ones
[C].   For shelter
[D].   For all these

Question: 5

When some sugar is dissolved in a glass of water, the water level:

[A].   Increases
[B].   Decreases
[C].   Remains the same
[D].   None of the above

Question: 6

The period of revolution of mars is _______ to/ than that of earth

[A].   More
[B].   Less
[C].   Equal
[D].   None of the above

Question: 7

The nature of relationship between condensation & evaporation is:

[A].   They are the same
[B].   They are opposite
[C].   They are similar but not in all respects
[D].   None of the above

Question: 8

Hookworm is an example of:

[A].   A herbivore
[B].   A carnivore
[C].   An omnivore
[D].   A parasite

Question: 9

The newly hatched fish are called:

[A].   Larvae
[B].   Nymphs
[C].   Pupa
[D].   Fry

Question: 10

Which Indian scientist has got a Nobel Prize for his contribution in physics?

[A].   Rabindra Nath Tagore
[B].   Mahatma Gandhi
[C].   Albert Einstein
[D].   Hargovind Khurana

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