
EVS MCQs for all Competitive Exams SET-25

Environmental Studies (EVS) Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ)
पर्यावरण अध्ययन बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न

The subject, Environmental Studies include basic understanding of a on environmental issues like Plants, Water, Food, Shelter, State specific Bird, Travel, Trees, Animals etc. The Environmental Studies (EVS) subject also includes questions on social issues that are part of our environemnt like:- Family and Friends, Relationships, Work and Play etc. Question related to pedagogical issues related to environmental studies (EVS) e.g. scope and Concept of EVS, integrated EVS, Significance of Environmental Studies (EVS), Scope relation to Science Social Science, Learning Principles of Environmental Studies (EVS, Approaches of presenting concepts etc.

These EVS MCQ Practice sets plays important role in scoring high rank in various competitive exams. For better understading of the Environmental Studies (EVS) subject, here we are providing sufficient Mutiple Choice type questions (MCQ)related to Environmental Studies or Environmental Science(EVS) previously asked in various competitive exams. Answers of these MCQs is also given and the answer can be viewed instantly by just clicking on answer button. Practicing these MCQ Sets more and more will make you confident and you will score more in exam.

EVS MCQs for all Competitive Exams SET-25
पर्यावरण अध्ययन बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न

Question : 1-10

Question: 1

The thermometer that we use to measure body temperature uses which of the following?

[A].   Silicon
[B].   Mercury
[C].   Hydrogen
[D].   Oxygen

Question: 2

Engage, Explore, Explain ,Elaborate and Evaluate are five important 'Es' in relation to effective teaching of Science .To provide practical experiences to the students related to the concept of 'Necessary conditions for germination'; a Science teacher asks them to do the following activities :
1. Soak seeds overnight and keep these is a wet cotton cloth .
2. Observe the seeds after two days and record and changes
3. Read the book and attempt the given worksheet.
Which of the five 'Es' given above are not being covered in the above activities given by the teacher ?

[A].   Engage and Explore
[B].   Engage and Evaluate
[C].   Explain and Elaborate
[D].   Explore and Evaluate

Question: 3

A student of IVth class placed certain things in a first aid box. Find the odd man out

[A].   foreceps
[B].   sodium chloride
[C].   syringe
[D].   pair of scissors

Question: 4

X-rays can:

[A].   Pass through our skin
[B].   Pass through our bones
[C].   Pass through our skin but not bones
[D].   Pass through our bones but not skin

Question: 5

Which one of the following sequences of steps is the correct way of preparing a balanced question paper ?

[A].   Writing the questions, preparing the blueprint, matching with the design , writing the marking scheme
[B].   Preparing a design, preparing a blueprint, writing and editing the questions , writing the marking scheme
[C].   Preparing the design, writing the questions, preparing the marking scheme, matching with the blueprint
[D].   Writing and editing the questions, matching with the design, preparing the blueprint, writing the marking scheme

Question: 6

The part where cones are densely packed within the right eye is

[A].   sclerotic coat
[B].   choroid coat
[C].   lens
[D].   fovea

Question: 7

Red, Blue Violet, Green, Orange & yellow are six out of the seven colours of a rainbow, what is the seventh one?

[A].   Purple
[B].   Pink
[C].   Brown
[D].   Indigo

Question: 8

A child is suffering from bleeding gums and loosening of teeth. The names of the disease and the vitamin that is deficient are

[A].   Scurvy, Vitamin C
[B].   Haemorrhage, Vitamin K
[C].   Rickets, Vitamin D
[D].   Pellagra, Vitamin B5

Question: 9

______ energy is converted to ______ energy in the working of a microwave oven

[A].   Electrical, heat
[B].   Light, heat
[C].   Electrical, sound
[D].   Heat, electrical

Question: 10

There are four below average students in a class. which one of the following strategies will be most effective to bring them at par with the other students

[A].   Give them additional assignments to do at home
[B].   Make them sit in the front row and supervise their work constantly
[C].   Identify their weak areas of learning and provide remedial measures accordingly
[D].   Ensure that they attend the school regularly

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