
Physics MCQs for all Competitive Exams SET-17

Environmental Studies (EVS) Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ)
पर्यावरण अध्ययन बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न

The subject, Environmental Studies include basic understanding of a on environmental issues like Plants, Water, Food, Shelter, State specific Bird, Travel, Trees, Animals etc. The Environmental Studies (EVS) subject also includes questions on social issues that are part of our environemnt like:- Family and Friends, Relationships, Work and Play etc. Question related to pedagogical issues related to environmental studies (EVS) e.g. scope and Concept of EVS, integrated EVS, Significance of Environmental Studies (EVS), Scope relation to Science Social Science, Learning Principles of Environmental Studies (EVS, Approaches of presenting concepts etc.

These EVS MCQ Practice sets plays important role in scoring high rank in various competitive exams. For better understading of the Environmental Studies (EVS) subject, here we are providing sufficient Mutiple Choice type questions (MCQ)related to Environmental Studies or Environmental Science(EVS) previously asked in various competitive exams. Answers of these MCQs is also given and the answer can be viewed instantly by just clicking on answer button. Practicing these MCQ Sets more and more will make you confident and you will score more in exam.

Physics MCQs for all Competitive Exams SET-17
पर्यावरण अध्ययन बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न

Question : 1-10

Question: 1

Plants obtain energy from________.

[A].   Chlorophyll
[B].   Water
[C].   Carbon dioxide
[D].   Sunlight

Question: 2

A human body consists of ________ number of bones

[A].   205
[B].   206
[C].   207
[D].   208

Question: 3

Which of the following is used by our muscles to grow stronger:

[A].   Proteins
[B].   Carbohydrates
[C].   Fats
[D].   Minerals

Question: 4

Sanjay has a sugar cube in her mouth, in which part of his tongue, will the cube be sweetest?

[A].   Front
[B].   Middle
[C].   Rear
[D].   Sides

Question: 5

During photosynthesis plants take in ________ while giving out_______

[A].   Hydrogen, water
[B].   Carbon dioxide, oxygen
[C].   Oxygen, carbon dioxide
[D].   None of these

Question: 6

The process by which living plants give out water vapour to their surroundings is called:

[A].   Photosynthesis
[B].   Transpiration
[C].   Reproduction
[D].   Respiration

Question: 7

Aeroplanes are made in the shape of birds i.e. streamlined, to:

[A].   Reduce air resistance or friction
[B].   Increase air resistance or friction
[C].   To increase the air lift.
[D].   To ensure safety.

Question: 8

Which of the following processes increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the air?
P: Photosynthesis
Q: Respiration
R: Perspiration

[A].   Q only
[B].   P and Q only
[C].   P and R only
[D].   Q and R only

Question: 9

Mars is called the:

[A].   Red planet.
[B].   Blue planet
[C].   Green planet.
[D].   Yellow planet.

Question: 10

The mosquito repellent (coils, mats and liquids) that we generally use in our homes are:

[A].   Pesticides
[B].   Fertilizers
[C].   Sedatives
[D].   Insecticides

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